EdgGuide™ Navigation Software at Smoky Hill Library

Navigation software for blind, low vision or audible learners.

Smoky Hill Library offers EdgGuide™, an augmented experience that enables blind, low vision or audible learners to independently navigate the library​.

Blind Institute of Technology, opens a new window (BIT) has teamed up with the Arapahoe Libraries to introduce this enhanced technology experience. Currently, over 39% of the U.S. population are blind or low vision individuals, or use English as a second language and have the potential to benefit from this technology that helps them experience new spaces.

"Arapahoe Libraries strives to be inclusive for all members of the community," said Arapahoe Libraries Executive Director Oli Sanidas. "The partnership with EdgGuide ensures that libraries are more accessible and inviting to blind or low vision individuals." 

Library visitors can download the EdgGuide app to their mobile devices and will be provided a smart vest that works with the app. The smart vest with haptic sensors provides enhanced navigation with up to seven centimeters of accuracy.

EdgGuide™ is field tested and proven to allow blind and low vision visitors the feeling of independence as it guides users through a step-by-step tour of the library using a combination of audio descriptions and haptic sensors.

As the user navigates through the library, EdgGuide™ will be able to direct them to different points of interests. For example, users will be able to independently locate the children’s section, the bathroom, and various displays throughout the library.

“We love that we are able to create technology that’s going to improve so many lives,” says Michael Hess, Executive Director at BIT. "EdgGuide™ is going to open up a world of possibilities for those who haven’t been able to get the full experience from places they both frequent and visit. We’re changing the future for the better by ensuring all spaces are truly inclusive.”