Business Help



Are you ready to grow your small business? Do you have start-up questions or need help conducting market research? Do you need access to networking opportunities or startup assistance programs?

Meet with a professional librarian to achieve your business goals, ask questions and more when you set up an appointment.



Business Source Complete

Business research, including peer-reviewed business journals, marketing, management, accounting, banking and finance.

Morningstar Investment Research Center

Find all the stock, fund, industry and ETF information you need for informed portfolio construction.

Legal Forms

Find business, personal, litigation and federal forms, many specific to Colorado.

Legal Information Reference Center

More legal forms, publications and full-text legal reference eBooks.

Gale Directory Library

Find directories on companies, publishers, associations and more.

Consumer Reports

Product reviews that allow you to compare before you buy and save money.


Grow With Google

Grow With Google features free training, tools and resources to grow your career, skills or business.

LinkedIn Learning

Learn creative, artistic and business, software, technology and career development skills to achieve personal and professional goals.

Goodwill Online Training

Learn essential skills to live and work in the 21st century with self-paced courses from Goodwill Online Training.

To register, call 303-542-7279 (303-LIBRARY) or browse upcoming Business & Careers events.

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