Establishment of Arapahoe (Regional) Library District

On April 5, 1966 the following resolution was adopted, No. 163-66.

It was moved by Commissioner Nicholl and duly seconded by Commissioner Christensen that the following resolution be adopted:


WHEREAS, provision for library services is of paramount necessity in Arapahoe County for the people of the unincorporated areas and of the municipal corporations not presently operating their own public libraries, and

WHEREAS, Arapahoe County does not now have and will not in the future have sufficient monies in its general fund to provide these services, and

WHEREAS, the 1947 Library Law provides for the formation and establishment of a regional library district and allows for a tax to be levied which would be separate and apart from the county general fund and which shall be known as the public library fund, and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County and the Deer Trail School District, No. 26-J desire to join in the establishment of an regional library division, and

WHEREAS, Section 12 of the 1947 Library Law allows municipal corporations presently maintaining public library services to participate in a regional library district, and

WHEREAS, the Arapahoe County Library Action Committee and the Board of County Commissioners feel that it would be desirable to enable Aurora, Englewood and Littleton to participate in a Regional Library District under the provisions of Section 12 of the 1947 Library Law.


That this Board join with Deer Trail School District No. 26-J in the establishment of a Regional Library District which shall be named the Arapahoe Regional Library District.

  1. That the service territory of the Arapahoe Regional Library District will be the unincorporated areas and those municipalities not operating their own public libraries within the boundaries of Arapahoe County and Deer Trail School District No. 26-J.
  2. That the tax levied as the result of the establishment of the Arapahoe Regional Library District shall be levied upon that part of Arapahoe County lying outside the boundaries of the Cities of Aurora, Englewood and Littleton.
  3. That the cities of Aurora, Englewood and Littleton, being Cities in Arapahoe County, may participate in the Arapahoe Regional Library District under the authority of Section 12 of the 1947 Library Law.
  4. That John V. Christensen and John J. Nicholl are appointed to the committee which shall appoint the board of trustees for the Arapahoe Regional Library District.

Upon roll call the vote was:
Commissioner Christensen, yes; Commissioner Nicholl, yes.

Motion carried.

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