Online Tools for Learning Basic Computer Skills

Looking for ways to get started with computers? Use these online resources to learn the basics, with or without needing a library card.

Library Card Required Available Without a Library Card
Gale Courses, opens a new window           
  • Use your Arapahoe Libraries card to register and login.
  • In the Catalog, select Computer Applications and a specific brand to start taking classes. Gale Courses are typically 6-week long and instructor-led. Proof of completion is provided to those meeting course requirements.
Digital Learn, opens a new window          
  • No login required.
  • This learner portal was created by the Public Library Association and offers modules on basic, intermediate and advanced computer skills in English and Spanish.
Learning Express Library, opens a new window           
  • Use your Arapahoe Libraries card to register.
  • After logging in, click on Centers in the top menu and select Computer and Internet Basics Center.
Goodwill Online Training, opens a new window          
  • No login required.
  • This adult education portal has been built by Goodwill Industries in response to shortage of resources for adults needing most basic life and tech skills. From their main page, you can switch the language to Spanish or Portuguese and then click on the three lines to access the full list of available courses.
LinkedIn Learning , opens a new window           
  • Use your Arapahoe Libraries card to login.
  • Search for Computer skills to see all courses available. Some of the courses are available in other languages, including Spanish.
Google Applied Digital Skills, opens a new window          
  • Use your Gmail account to log in to this free portal.
  • Select an option of independent learner.
  • Learn how to use Google Docs, Sheets, Drive and other Google products through these step by step lessons with videos and activities.
Niche Academy , opens a new window          
  • Your Niche Academy access through Arapahoe Libraries offers some English language tutorials on the tools you can access through Arapahoe Libraries.
HIAS Training Videos , opens a new window          
  • Use YouTube in browser or via app on your phone to access.
  • These videos are available in several languages widely spoken by refugees and newcomers resettling in the US.
  Northstar Online Learning (NSOL), opens a new window