What Type of Reader Are You?

Reading is so personal, not only in the types of books different readers enjoy, but in the ways each person likes to choose their next read. Whether you haven’t read a book since your last school assignment or your reading goals reach the three-digits, there is a reading persona to describe your style.

Check out the list below to learn more about what type of reader you are.

The "Comfort" Reader

There are so many good books out there. For the comfort reader there are no new books quite as good as those personal favorites you’ve had forever. Whether it’s revisiting a beloved children’s classic or finding comfort in re-reading a well-loved series, you find immense joy and satisfaction from entering back into a literary world you know well to spend time with characters you’ve always loved.

The "Mood" Reader

It could be the changing of seasons where you have to pick up a witchy book in October or it could be that you need a light-hearted read during a hard time. The mood reader chooses books based on what mood they're in. For the holiday fanatic, you are the first on the holds list for those holiday Hallmark-esque reads. When times are tough, you may reach for the fluffy romantic comedy to cheer you up or bring on a good cry with a solid literary fiction book. No matter what the reason, you pick up your latest read to fit the mood and season!

The "Finishes Every Book" Reader

This is the reader that can’t bear to not finish a book. Probably a bit of a perfectionist, or at least someone who needs to know the ending, you cannot give up on a book without seeing it through to the very end. So buckle up because for better or worse you’re in it for the long haul.

The "Genre" Reader

You know this reader, the one who perfectly picks your next fantasy read because they’ve read them all or knows which romance is the talk of the town. However, if you want a book rec outside of their normal genre, they’ve got nothing! If you’re this reader, you like to stay in your genre lane and little-to-nothing will make you swerve outside of it. You love giving genre-specific recommendations but find it a challenge to get outside your category comfort zone.

The "Book Hoarder" (who wants to be a reader)

While hard to admit at times, the book hoarder wants desperately to be an avid reader. Sometimes they are readers, but they mainly collect recommendations and to-be-reads more than they actually crack open a book. You likely love a good trip to bookstore like any good bookworm, however you tend to add to your shelf without making a dent in your reading goals. Whether it’s beautiful editions of favorite titles or picking up that buzzworthy book everyone’s talking about, you love keeping up with the latest reads. Whether you’ve actually read them or not is a different story.

The “Nothing is 5 stars” Reader or The Picky Reader

The popular book that everyone’s raving about? It was a two-star read for this bookworm. Maybe they appreciated the book and characters, but can’t seem to find it worth recommending to others. Three-star read (max) for this reader. The “nothing is 5 stars” reader is a picky reader, who will only give a book five stars if it changed their life. They find a sense of comfort in their own literary criticism. It’s not necessarily a cynical thing, but if you’re this reader you simply know what you like and most books aren’t it. It’s the "diamonds in the rough" that you’re after and when you find them, you will be singing their praises from the rooftops.

The Reading Promoter

The reading promoter is a recommendation expert. For you, part of the joy of reading is sharing your favorites stories with others. There is a book for everyone and you are the magical-bookseller type determined to match each reader with their perfect tome because you believe there is a book for every bookworm! A true literary lover, you don’t discriminate based on genre, you are an equal opportunity reader who not only loves books yourself but finds the greatest satisfaction in connecting the avid and novice reader alike with their next perfect read!

Now that you know the different types of readers, which one sounds the most like you?