Art Gallery Exhibitions: November 2023

November 1-30, 2023

Arapahoe Libraries is proud to host art exhibits each month at Eloise May, Koelbel and Smoky Hill libraries. Library galleries offer the community a place to view a variety of art at no cost while also providing visibility to local artists. A volunteer art selection committee selects exhibits based on artistic quality, variety of exhibits and the suitability of format for each exhibit space. 

Have a question about the galleries or interested in showcasing your art? Visit the Art Galleries page for more information.

Chris Hulla

Smoky Hill Library

I’m a Colorado native and have dabbled in creative projects since I was a kid. Now that I’m retired (a recovering benefits consultant) I have more time, and thankfully more ideas for artwork, for constructing dioramas and some larger works using found objects, clay, wood, paint, wire and other materials, particularly a lot of bling. My goal, beyond the selfish fun of creating, is for viewers to be surprised and entertained and perhaps find a different way of looking at everyday articles and occurrences.

What is your favorite piece in the show and why?
Betty Cracker is my favorite because it’s big and it’s a big joke. Plus I love images of 1950s recipes: “poor man’s standing roast” made from “canned meat” – yum! The “pineapple” centerpiece is actually chopped liver covered in gelatin squares and olive rings – double yum! Meteor Monk is a close second favorite.

What motivates you to create?
When I think I have a clever visual pun idea or I come across an interesting object, I enjoy trying to make an “amusement” out of it.

Who are your biggest artist influences?
Salvador Dali and R. Crumb.

What message do you want your art to convey to viewers?
Have fun, see things a little differently!

Website:, opens a new window


Ala Park

Eloise May Library

Designer and artist Ala Park was born and raised in the Republic of Moldova, where she has owned a interior design firm, and successfully ran all aspects of clients’ needs. Her artistic endeavors are inspired by “challenges and an interest in all things new.”

Developer of FishBone Art - entirely new mixed media, using natural fishbones, repurposing them into delicate scenes, placed on black velvet. Working with different types of fishbones allows her to create original, unique, 3D compositions of flowers, birds, animals, and landscapes. Each piece seems to give the fish a new life in an unexpected way. She now resides in the mountains of Boulder, with a custom art studio and sewing workshop where she designs and creates her art.

Website: AlaParkDesign.Com, opens a new window
Instagram:, opens a new window
Facebook:, opens a new window

Jeremy Janus

Koelbel Library

Artist statement:
I strive to continue to push myself further into sharing the beautiful moments I am blessed to experience in life while connecting with others and trying to be a positive light in the world. My experiences and journey have shown me that with family, friends, and faith anything is possible and that when you change your perspective, you can inspire the world.

What is your favorite piece in the show and why?
My favorite piece in the show is "Sunrise at Loch Vale" because of the effort it took to take it. I took the shot back in 2019 on my first solo snowshoe which was over 6 miles round trip. The sunrise hit the mountain just perfect before a massive snowstorm blew in.

What motivates you to create?
Creation comes from my desire to make the world around me a better place. I live to inspire and influence the people around me and I love showing them a part of nature that they may never see or experience for themselves.

Who are your biggest artist influences?
My biggest artist influences are other photographers and artists that I have met through my nature and photography adventures. They push me greatly with their vision of the world and show me other possibilities that I didn't see myself.

What message do you want your art to convey to viewers?
I want my art to show people the beauty of the world and to show them that no matter where their life is right now, they can always find a way to seek the beauty that surrounds us every single day on this wonderful planet.

Website: , opens a new window