Easing Back to School Anxiety

Anxiety can show up in various parts of our lives. School is certainly one of those areas that can affect both children and their adults.

Heading back to school can be disconcerting as a change to normalized routines that get established over summer. Separation anxiety, fear of the unknown, and worry about making friends can all be stressful concepts when going back to the classroom. These things are normal and we are not alone!

How can we ease our children's anxiety about returning to learning? Here are some resources we found:

Back to the Classroom

Virtual Learning

  • How do we know when our children are anxious and what can we do about it? Two experts share their takes with UC Davis Health on the signs of anxiety. They recommend that when in doubt, professionals are there to help you through this.
  • How will you create an environment for learning? The Los Angeles Times interviewed an educational professional to get the ins and outs of a great virtual learning experience.
  • USAToday emphasizes that each child is different in their article for parents about virtual learning.
  • Houston Methodist Hospital has helpful tips for parents of virtual learners who are working from home. Try to stay flexible during interruptions!

What's working for you? How do you plan to ease back into school? Let us know in the comments below.