World Suicide Prevention Day

September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day. Suicide is consistently one of the top 20 causes of death around the globe. Worldwide, a person dies due to suicide every 40 seconds. Talking about suicide and suicidal thoughts can be as challenging as it is important. In an effort to make those conversations just a little easier, the International Association for Suicide Prevention, opens a new window partners with the World Health Organization, opens a new window and the World Federation for Mental Health, opens a new window every year to raise awareness about suicide and its impacts. Their theme is “Working Together to Prevent Suicide, opens a new window.” 

How can I find help?
If you are worried that you might hurt yourself, consider these resources. All of these helplines are available anytime day or night.

How can I help someone else?
Be familiar with common signs that someone might be having suicidal thoughts, opens a new window. Be familiar with these Action Steps, opens a new window from the National Institute of Health.

  • Ask the person if they are thinking of killing themselves
  • Keep them safe by limiting their access to dangerous places or items
  • Be there by listening and learning how they are feeling
  • Help them connect to resources for safety and mental health
  • Stay Connected by following up with them after the immediate crisis seems to have passed. 

If you see something on social media that makes you worry about someone who lives in another place, you can still help! You can report concerning behaviors or content through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and Periscope when you click on Suicide Prevention on Social Media., opens a new window

Remember too that sometimes folks are hurting and do not show any signs. If someone close to you makes a choice to end their life, be kind to yourself and seek out the support you need.

Other ways to participate in Suicide Prevention Day on September 10: