Little Explorers – Snow!

Ever wanted to try STEAM activities with your toddler but were unsure of how to start? You’re probably already doing it! 

Did you know that toddlers and preschoolers are building STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) skills while they play? As engineers, they build, design, use spatial skills and problem solve when they use blocks of any kind! They investigate science and math skills in the kitchen when measuring, pouring and cooking! They learn about the creation process as they use various sensory and art items like glue, scissors, paint brushes - even music and movement activities express art! Math and music combine children’s love of moving to a beat and expressing themselves – and is inherent in their play! 

Many themes are easy to incorporate at home as well using everyday objects! Seasonal themes can be an easy conversation to start with children because they are experiencing it in real time. Winter themes, for example, are happening now! If you’re able, bring in some snow or ice and try some simple science experiments with kitchen items at home, like scooping snow or ice into a bowl, leave it out and when you come back, talk about the snow changing from a solid (snow/ice) to a liquid (water).

I love incorporating music into any activity I do with kiddos. If you’re not a singer, you can also chant something as well. Kids just love when you’re interacting with them! Try this winter music and movement activity: 

Chant and movement: 

Snowman, snowman twirl around,

Snowman, snowman touch the ground,

Snowman, snowman touch your nose, 

Snowman, snowman, touch your toes, 

Touch your ears and touch your knees, 

Snowman, I’m about to freeze! 

Snowman, snowman twirl around,

Snowman, snowman sit back down. 

Books are always a great way to extend conversations and learning! Try these books for your 2-5 year olds: 

Froggy Builds A Snowman

I Wish It Would Snow!

Snow Is

When the Snow Is Deeper Than My Boots Are Tall

I'm Going to Build A Snowman

A Polar Bear in the Snow

Snow Days

Home Extension 

Snow Fort Engineering Station

Try a cup building STEM challenge to build an ice fort. Building with cups is always a hit with kiddos and easy to try at home. Families can build together with clear cups and crumpled paper.  

Children are learning by using their skills to:  

  • Build (constructive play)  
  • Design (math and problem-solving skills)  
  • Engineer (encourages brain development as children solve problems, use a variety of materials, design, create and build things that work)  
  • Use positional math language (over, around, behind, beneath, beside, between, underneath, etc.) 

Interested in more STEAM for ages 2-5? Check out the Little Explorers programs on the Events page:, opens a new window  

Explore Arapahoe Libraries.