Looking for Legal Forms?

If it's free legal forms you are looking for, try our GALE LegalForms, opens a new window database.

You can search and find business, personal, litigation and federal forms, many specific to Colorado, covering hundreds of legal subjects and issues.

There's no nice way to say it. Searching for legal forms on the internet is a nightmare. Most searches lead to a paywall or pop-ups that lead to nowhere. Unfortunately, many folks don't think about the local library and the no-nonsense resources they might have to offer. 

No library card is needed when accessing this resource in the library. Outside the library, you will need your library card number to access the resource, as is the case with most library databases.

How to Locate the Database

  1. Go to our homepage, opens a new window then click on the Research tab where a drop-down will appear.
  2. Click on Business, Finance and Legal.
  3. Scroll down to Legal Forms and click on it. That's it! 

As noted, if you are in the library you will go directly to the site. If not, you will go to the form to enter your library card info. 

If you want some details about GALE LegalForms, click on the About link at the top of the page.

Be sure to scroll through the home page, and click on some of the buttons on the left, to get a feel for what is available in the database, or just dive right in by using the search box.