Looking for Obituaries?

Below are some resources for locating your loved one’s Colorado obituary. If you are looking for obituaries from outside Colorado, try Ancestry.com and contact the largest library near where your ancestor passed away.

Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection, opens a new window

A database of almost a million digitized pages from more than 200 individual newspaper titles published in Colorado primarily from 1859 to 1923.

Denver Obituary Project, opens a new window from Denver Public Library

An index of Denver obituaries from 1922 to 2014.

Colorado Obituary Project, opens a new window from Colorado Genealogical Society

An index of non-Denver obituaries from Colorado from 1969 to 1990. 

Denver Public Library’s Guide to Obituaries, Cemeteries & the Dead, opens a new window

An in-depth guide with links to resources to help you locate Colorado death records and obituaries.

Discover more genealogy resources.