Math = Success

Did you know that early success in math leads to stronger reading skills? It's true!

The Bay Area Discovery Museum, opens a new window addresses this fact in their white paper, "Reimagining School Readiness, opens a new window." Below is a list of easy ways you can work math into your everyday routine.

Talk It Up: Use math terms when you add or subtract items, so children will have an easier time grasping concepts when they're older.

Quantity Is Quality: Counting on fingers is A-OK! It shows each object gets its own number.

Blocked In: Block play explores engineering, spatial awareness and cause and effect.

Now We're Cooking: Math in the form of measuring is the name of the game!

I'm Sensing a Theme: Patterns are an early math concept. Find a group of objects and sort them in different ways.

I Just Know It: Fill a jar with objects and ask your child to guess how many are inside and then count them together.

Fold Your Cards: Paper folding is a simple way to work on geometry. Grab an old newspaper or recycled mail and fold. For

a bonus, rip the shapes in half along the fold lines and compare.

Tea for Two: Count a pile of objects by twos, fives and tens! Model turn taking by counting two for you and two for your child.

See for Yourself: Experience math in nature. Count petals on a flower, see the symmetry of a clover and note how perfect snowflakes are.