Remembering September 11

The morning of September 11, 2001, is one of the most historic moments in American history. The coordinated attacks on the World Trade Center complex in New York City and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, along with Flight 93 that crashed in a failed attack on a target in Washington DC together claimed the lives of 2,977 people.

We will never forget.

September 10 through September 12, 2021, have been proclaimed National Days of Prayer and Remembrance, a time to remember the victims of 9/11 through prayer, contemplation, vigils and other ceremonies and activities.

Library Resources

For Adults

These nonfiction books give first-hand accounts from 9/11 as well as exploring topics of its aftermath and legacy.

Ordinary Heroes

No Day Shall Erase You

Never Forget

September 11

The Only Plane in the Sky

Dog Heroes of September 11th


There have been many fictionalized accounts of 9/11 made for the big screen, but the following are all nonfiction films depicting the events surrounding this day in history.

Remembering 9-11

Bin Laden's Hard Drive

9/11 Inside the Pentagon

Man in Red Bandana

For Teens

These nonfiction books covering 9/11 are geared specifically for teens.

The 9/11 Terror Attacks

With Their Eyes


The following teen books are fictional accounts set against a backdrop of the September 11 attacks.

Ground Zero

All We Have Left

Enduring Freedom

Love Is the Higher Law

For Kids

The following books can provide conversation starters for kids who may be learning about the history of 9/11 or looking to find out more. Explore this list for even more Books about 9/11 for Kids.

September 11, We Will Never Forget

I Survived the Attacks of September 11, 2001

September 11, 2001

Saved by the Boats

Heroes of 9/11

Further Exploration