Want to Read More?

Did you make a resolution to read more or to read better books? Maybe you're curious how some people read so many books without feeling discouraged or burned out. Great news because you can read more this year—or any time you want!

  • First, spend some time researching what you're interested in reading. It's won't be fun to read if if you find yourself slogging through tedious pages or if your mind wanders from the page.
    • Give yourself permission to put down a book after fifty pages (it's okay, promise). You're not quitting. You're putting aside that book for an even better book that holds your interest.
  • Check out Novelist if you like to browse for books by mood, genre or read-alikes.
  • Join a community of readers like Goodreads, opens a new window. You can set a reading goal for each new year. 
  • Browse monthly staff picks for all ages and genres. Staff picks are vetted by us as books we enjoyed and are excited to share with you.
  • Have a long commute? Try listening to audiobooks instead. You can request books on CD or try eAudiobooks that download directly to your smartphone or other devices.
  • Set aside a time in your day just for reading.
    • It could be fifteen minutes before dinner or twenty minutes before bed. Either way, that fifteen minutes adds up to over 90 hours of reading a year. 
  • Carry a book with you so you always have one handy, perfect for when you're stuck waiting in line or at a doctor's office.
    • Find a quiet place that you look forward to reading in so you'll look forward to a little quiet time that's just for you each day. 
  • Not sure if you have fifteen or twenty minutes a day? How about fifteen or twenty pages a day? If you read twenty pages a day, you could read a 300 page book in 15 days. Sounds doable when you break it down into small chunks, doesn't it?
  • Try reading one book at a time, that way you won't feel pressured by multiple books all begging to be read. But make sure you know what book you want to read next! There's nothing worse than having nothing to read when you've finished a great book.
    • Or try reading multiple books at a time. This can be helpful if you like to read certain types of books when you're in certain moods or if you've chosen something that's a little heavier.
  • Join a book club, opens a new window! These are perfect if you need motivation to finish a book or if you want to read something new.

And finally, feeling burned out from all the reading? It's okay to take a break. Books will always wait for you.