What Are You Thankful For?

Arapahoe Libraries staff shares what they're thankful for this holiday season. Tell us in the comments what you're thankful for!

What We're Thankful For

Possibilities. Sunshine. Cookies. ArapahoeElisabeth

Family, security, the kindness of random strangers, electricity and an internet connection. ArapahoeShelley

Love. Life. Spirituality. Sun. Moon. Earth. Beings. Diversity. Water. Food. ArapahoeCarina

Playing games with my friends and family, being able to help others, cozy blankets, cuddling with cats, books, cringe-worthy puns and having the opportunity to go to school for something I'm passionate about. ArapahoeJulianne

My family. ArapahoeSharon

I'm extra-grateful to have a long-held suspicion confirmed: Romaine lettuce is hazardous to one's health. Long live potatoes! ArapahoeJaneM

My family. My dogs. My books. Did I mention books? ArapahoeAlice

My Minnesota family and my Colorado family (coworkers and friends). ArapahoeTanya

Naps. ArapahoeRebekah

My roommate's cat, Morpheus, and his gentle headbutts. ArapahoeLauraR

Snuggly puppies, a well-loved book that falls open on your lap, cheese curds, Chinese takeout and the love of friends and family. ArapahoeKati

I'm thankful that all of my family is in in good health, for my amazing friends, for fabulous authors who keep writing such readable books and for each new day. ArapahoeJillA

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