Digital Resources for Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons and Dragons. Surprisingly, the game is not explicitly about dungeons or dragons (though both are frequently included.) Remember when you were a kid, playing pretend with your friends? Your stick was a sword. The weird stump in your neighbor’s yard was a dragon. Nothing could stop you. Now, imagine you’re a little older. There are snacks, clickity-clackity dice, dramatic music and rules to structure your play. This is the reality of playing Dungeons and Dragons.

If you are a nerd and you have been peering curiously at the concept of Tabletop RPGs (role playing games) but are not quite sure where to start: Dungeons and Dragons (often shortened to D&D or DnD) is a good choice. An absolute classic, the D&D team has gone through several revisions before landing at the current 5th edition (soon to be One D&D.) The sheer volume of material and content available for D&D is overwhelming, expensive and (sometimes) unnecessary. In this post we are going to highlight some free digital resources for any nerds ready to dive into the world of Faerun.

Resources for everyone

Not all resources are strictly for a player or a Dungeon Master (DM). The following resources are useful for everyone in the game; whether they’re getting zapped by a wizard or the one doing the zapping.

D&D Beyond, opens a new window 

D&D Beyond is one of the most comprehensive sources of Dungeons and Dragons materials. This the official site endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, opens a new window, where players and DMs can source official information by creating a free account. Additional content such as certain spells, races, backgrounds and more are available to purchase if someone is interested. D&D Beyond also has an app where you can access your character sheets and items on the go. If you don’t want to make an account, don’t worry! You can still access all the spells, backgrounds, items, feats and browse others’ homebrew content. 

A free account for D&D Beyond gives players access to a digital character maker, 6 slots for characters and access to some basics for creating your player character (PC). 

For the DM there are encounter builders and maps, not to mention a way to build custom "homebrew" content. This homebrew content is easily incorporated into your D&D Beyond characters and campaigns.

Roll 20, opens a new window 

Roll 20 is a great source for those who are playing a long-distance virtual campaign. They offer players a character creator, source materials and some free adventures. For a DM, there are tools to create a homepage for your campaign including a chat feature, virtual maps and tokens, scheduling tools and player information. There are also options for uploading  your own or using community uploaded audio files. These are usually named after the vibe a DM is looking for. For those beginning their D&D career, there are tutorials on how to play and how to run a game.

Fantasy Name Generator, opens a new window

This resource is not just for naming characters. It's for naming rivers, countries, taverns, ships, mountains, bridges, mercenary groups, cities and more! The sheer number of dedicated and specific generators is incredible. Each generator will return a list of 10 options for you to pick from. Don’t see anything you like? Click the button at the bottom of the list to get a new selection!

Resources for the Dungeon Master (DM)

All D&D campaigns need a selfless person willing to spin a tale of wonder. This is the role of the DM. Being a DM is not always the easiest thing to do, but can be incredibly rewarding when you watch your players overcoming obstacles and enjoying the story. Thankfully there are programs and sources to ease the burden for story-crafters.

Owlbear Rodeo, opens a new window

Owlbear Rodeo is a great tool for game maps and live virtual play. A free account with Owlbear Rodeo will get you 2 free virtual play rooms, access to their map tools and 200 MB of storage for your digital materials.

The Fateful Force, opens a new window

The Fateful Force provides free pre-made maps for combat scenarios or immersive exploring. Their downloadable art can assist in creating a virtual token with their free Virtual Token Tool (VTT.) If you’re looking to purchase something new, the site also creates and sells their own campaign stories and adventures.

The Thieves Guild, opens a new window

Experienced Dungeon Masters know the hassle of creating loot sheets, menus and shop inventories. If you haven’t experienced this yet as a DM, boy do I have a nasty surprise for you. Luckily, The Thieves Guild is a website dedicated to generating these kinds of lists. Enjoy not having to worry about inventories as your players decide to go on a shopping spree in every single town they visit.

The D&D Compendium: Dungeon Master Resources, opens a new window

The Dungeon Master Resource page in the D&D Compendium is dedicated to providing quick access to tools all over the internet. The sheer amount of links and resources they have is only rivaled by how well these are all organized. For anything that the previous links couldn’t do, the D&D Compendium has your back. Their topics include help on running games, help with roleplaying, management tools, sound and music, riddles, plot hooks, adventure guides and more.

Looking to uncover D&D resources available at the library? Check out a D&D starter set available from the Library of Things, learn about the comeback of D&D in pop culture or explore reading recommendations for adult adventurers.