Learn About Rosh Hashanah

What is Rosh Hashanah?

Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. It is celebrated over two days, beginning the first day of Tishrei. This holiday typically lands in September in the Gregorian calendar. Some of the universal themes include atonement, renewal and judgement. 

Rosh Hashanah For Kids

A collection of books for children to learn about the Jewish New Year.

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Food for the New Year

Food is hugely important during Rosh Hashanah. Some of the traditional dishes include:

  • Apples and honey - to wish for a sweet start to the new year
  • New fruit - to represent the reflection of the past year and the renewal heading into the new year
  • Round challah - a deviation from the typical braided challah bread, this type is eaten to represent the cyclical nature of the year

Other traditional Jewish foods are also made and served during this holiday, including tzimmes, kugel, chicken, lamb, rice, and more.

Enjoy Jewish Delicacies

A collection of cookbooks featuring iconic Jewish meals and specialties.

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Rosh Hashanah Traditions

There are many traditions and celebrations associated with the Jewish New Year. 

The Blowing of the Shofar

  • A shofar is a ram’s horn blown at Rosh Hashanah services.
  • The sound is intended to do several things including stir the conscience, confront past mistakes and turn to God to repent.
  • The ram's horn is representative of the ram that Abraham sacrificed instead of his son, Isaac, at God's request.


  • Tashlich is a ceremony where Jews throw bread into a river.
  • The piece of bread are meant to represent their sins.
  • The tossing of the bread into the water is meant to represent the casting off of their sins based on verses from the Book of Micah.
Jewish Fiction Books by Jewish Authors

A list of fiction stories where Jewish heritage is a large part of the story.

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