Native Peoples, Wild West

I am always looking for new resources that support learning in our school-aged community, whether it's for homework, classrooms, or homeschooling. Here are some series about Native Peoples, Westward expansion, and American frontier life.

Native Peoples

These series present information about Native American nations describing their history, clothing, food, social roles, hunting customs, religious beliefs, interactions with Western settlers and other native peoples, and contemporary issues facing nations.

North American Indian Nations
Native Peoples of the Plains

Native Americans

Spotlight on Native Americans

We Were Here First : The Native Americans
The Navajo

Peoples of North America

Cooking Your Way Through American History


Westward Expansion and the Wild West

These series contain a mother lode of information regarding every aspect of westward expansion and American frontier life.

The Wild West
Famous Lawmen

Go West : Travel To the Wild Frontier
Go West With Miners, Prospectors, and Loggers

True History of the Wild West
A Cowboy's Life

Adventure on the American Frontier
Connecting to the Coasts

Cooking Your Way Through American History