Talking Seasonal with Young Children

Are the blooming flowers making you sneeze? Have pumpkins taken over storefronts? Has the first snow got everyone taking photos? Seasons influence so many parts of our lives! 

Whether you’re a fan of winter, spring, summer, or autumn, seasons come and go all year round in beautiful Colorado. When we teach young children about the seasons or things being seasonal, we are instilling so much more than what happens to the color of the leaves. We are providing lessons and opportunities for learning that are important. 

Did the temperature drop 30 degrees overnight? It might be time to grab a jacket. 

Is it the middle of September? It might be the last chance to see watermelon at the grocery store. 

Heading out for a hot day of swimming? It might be a good plan to bring sunscreen. 

As adults, we may get complacent with the seasons because we have seen them come and go many times. But, to a young child, these annual changes are still new and can spark tremendous learning. Talk about colors. Talk about food. Talk about weather. Share memories and experiences. The possibilities are numerous! 

And don’t forget your library is here to help you! Explore the following items for ideas or Ask A Librarian for specialized assistance.

My Friend Earth

Weather and the Seasons

Fresh-picked Poetry

Sophie's Squash

Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring

Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn

Leif and the Fall

My Happy Year by E. Bluebird

The Reasons for Seasons

Bear Wants More


When Spring Comes

Some Snow Is

Firsts & Lasts

Goodnight Songs

Come On, Rain