What Is a PIN?
When you sign up for a library card, the staff member helping you will assign you a PIN (personal identification number) using the last four digits of your phone number.
You will use your PIN when you log into your account online or to check out materials in the library.
The PIN must be at least 4 characters. Also, a PIN can be alpha or numeric and cannot be too simple or repetitive. It can not be 1111 or 1212, for example.
How Can I Change My PIN?
To change your PIN you will need to:
- Log in to your library account.
- Go to My Settings
- Click on "Change" in the PIN section under "Account Information"
- Enter you old PIN and a new PIN number and click "Save PIN"
What If I Forget My PIN and Need to Reset It?
When attempting to login into your library account, click on "Forgot my PIN" and follow the prompts. This will send an email to the address listed in your library account with instructions for resetting your PIN. You can also call 303-LIBRARY (303-542-7279) for assistance.
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