Relationships don't have to be romantic. Fall back in love with yourself, your family and your friends, your work and all the things that bring you joy. Ready to reinvigorate your relationships? Pick your relationship.
Plus learn how the library can help you spend time with people that matter to you, through experiences rather than things.
You and your relationship with yourself.
If you don't have a relationship with yourself, how can you have one with others?
How do we find self-acceptance? Discover how to be kind and compassionate to yourself in The Self-acceptance Project.
Too critical of yourself? Silence your inner critic in Tiny Buddha's Guide to Loving Yourself.
Learn how to build a great relationship with yourself in The I Factor.
Chasing the feeling of a goal but never actually getting there? Create "goals with soul" in The Desire Map.
It's time to Love Yourself Like your Life Depends on It.
Be you, only better, in Best Self.
Teens, learn how to silence your inner critic in Just As You Are.
Need a kick in the pants? These sweary self help books may be just what you need.
Family Relationships
You love your family, but they know how to push your buttons. Maybe you don't have the best relationship with them, or you want to improve your relationship. These books may help.
Struggling to talk to your children? Learn How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk.
Feeling stressed from balancing both work and family? Find a better balance when you read Positive Discipline for Today's Busy (and Overwhelmed) Parent.
Frustrated by someone in your family? Read about eight skills to help you thrive in any family situation in Overcoming your Difficult Family
Fighting with your spouse? Fights could bring you closer together when you get to The Heart of the Fight.
Being vulnerable and learning how to communicate can make you and your relationships stronger after you read Rising Strong.
Build a network of support and connection for your family after you read The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages or The Secrets of Happy Families.
Sometimes fighting is inevitable. Learn How to Fight more effectively and calm yourself.
Learn how to have a better relationship with your grown-up children in Doing Life With your Adult Children.
What is your child's love language? Discover it in The 5 Love Languages of Children.
Need to apologize? Learn how to make things right with A Good Apology.
Mental health well-being is important; give yourself Permission to Feel to help yourself and your kiddos.
Friends are the family that you choose for yourself.
Why do we need friends and what does friendship do for our brains? Find out in Friendship: The Evolution, Biology, and Extraordinary Power of Life's Fundamental Bond.
You can be a better neighbor in The Art of Neighboring.
No one's perfect (it's true!). Learn how to be an authentic friend in All My Friends Have Issues.
Need to let go of toxic friendships? It's time to learn How to Break up With Anyone.
Feeling stuck and shy? Getting Out and Getting Along can help you navigate different social situations.
Time to set Boundaries and learn when to yes and why it's okay to say no.
Learn to be a better, more authentic listener to improve your relationships in Nonviolent Communication.
Are your children struggling to make friends? Growing Friendships and The Friendship Book are written just for kids.
Work Relationships
Most of us spend more time at work with our coworkers than our family and friends. Make that time meaningful.
Feeling burned out and kind of blah? Make your work exciting again in Find the Fire.
Tired of progress stalling and collaboration falling apart? Make better Dream Teams.
Ready for a career change but not sure what to do? Read The Proximity Principle to learn about connecting with the right people and taking chances.
Want to turn your passion into a career? Is it time to Don't Keep your Day Job?
Strongly dislike your job? Do you have 48 Days to the Work You Love?
Struggling to improve your interpersonal communication? It's time to Say This, Not That.
Based off the New York Times article, "No Time to Be Nice at Work," it's time for Mastering Civility.
Discover more books about taking action to move ahead at work or how to find your purpose, or reach out to a librarian for career and job help.
Tell us how you maintain healthy and loving relationships in your life below.
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