Check Out Google Home and Echo Dot

Did you know the library now offers both Google Home and Echo Dot for checkout? You can try them out at home and see what you think. All devices come with information about how they work or things to try while you have them checked out.

Voice-activated technologies have become popular over the last few years, and with them come new concerns about privacy and technology’s role in our lives. With any technology, you have to decide whether it will benefit you or present issues. The biggest benefit for most people is that voice-activated technologies are hands-free. Here are a few pros and cons to consider.

What Google Home or Echo Dot can do:

  • Give calendar reminders for taking medications or going to appointments
  • Create shopping lists
  • Give hands-free recipe instructions
  • Play music on command
  • Allow you to adjust smart home settings

Some downsides to keep in mind:

  • Both Google Home and Echo Dot require Wi-Fi
  • Echo Dot requires an Amazon account and the Alexa app on your mobile device
  • Google Home requires a Google account and the Google Home app on your mobile device
  • If you have a frail voice, these devices may not recognize your commands

If you check out a device, please reset the device to factory settings before returning it to Arapahoe Libraries. By reseting the device before returning keeps your information and preferences private. Interested in learning more about security concerns or features of these devices? Visit Google Home FAQs here and Amazon Echo FAQs here. Read about how digital home assistants benefit, opens a new window people, and learn specific tips to protect your information on several devices.

Explore this technology for yourself and see what you think!