Home Delivery and Books by Mail Services

Did you know that Arapahoe Libraries has a home delivery service and a books by mail service for individuals who cannot get into a library regardless of age? This includes people who lack transportation, not just those who have physical limitations. And both services are FREE! These services are available to all patrons living within the boundaries of Arapahoe Libraries. Call us at 303-792-8999 extension 12600 or check to see if your address is inside the service area.

Home Delivery

Staff will work with you to bring any materials you ask for to your home or group homes in residential neighborhoods. We are always looking for volunteers to help get materials to our patrons; if you are interested please contact us or visit the volunteer page.

Books By Mail

Patrons can receive books via mail and send books back to Arapahoe Libraries free of charge. Arapahoe Libraries pays the postage for both the delivery and return of materials, and this includes a postage-paid addressed envelope to easily return materials back to the library. 15 items may be checked out at one time.


Home delivery and books by mail make a huge difference in the life of someone who is not able to visit the library. Here are just a few stories from patrons:

After a difficult period in this patron's life, he contacted us and set up home delivery service: “One day, I decided I couldn’t give up. I started pursuing my old interests again: books, music and art. The library played a big role in that. Since I have no extra money each month, I depend on the library’s resources to keep me afloat, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Thank you for coming to see me each month. Your visits are wonderful.” —George

Our staff go above and beyond to meet your needs:

Recently, one of our home delivery patrons requested several books about ice hockey. This patron's grandsons play Little League hockey, and she wanted to learn the rules of the game. I placed holds on a number of basic hockey books, but each one had a wait list. Because I wanted this patron to have at least something in hand when our volunteer visited her on the designated date, I compiled a handout on the rules of Little League hockey—complete with charts and photos—from a few resources I found on the internet. I titled the handout "A Grandmother's Guide to Understanding Hockey" and sent it off with her other materials. The next day I received a voice message from Nancy, thanking me for the information. "Thanks for going above and beyond. It's just what I was looking for. Now I'll be able to make sense of all of that frantic arm-waving the referees are always doing!"