You know you'll be spending time in the waiting room at your next doctor's appointment. Here are suggested books to help pass the time.
Give Your Small Muscles a Work Out, Too
Practice is important when learning to write, but too much can get boring. Here's how to liven up your child's writing experiences.
Write Right, Right?
Learning to read goes hand in hand with learning to write.
Explore Denver: Chatfield Farms
Where can you have fun, be outdoors, and pay only $5 for a whole carload of family or friends without leaving the area? Chatfield Farms!
Shark Week 2018
Without sharks, you take away the apex predator of the ocean, and you destroy the entire food chain.
Chalk It Up
Be a cool cat with this chilly and artistic recipe for making your own chalk ice.
Summer Fun
Here are some fun ideas (and, of course, books!) to help you make the most of your summer.
Check Out Google Home and Echo Dot
Learn about Google Home and Echo Dot.
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