Homeschool Resources

Parents and caregivers, are you homeschooling kids this year but have no idea where to start? Below are a few great resources to get you started! We also suggest contacting your school district as they can provide guidance as well. Remember, you are already a teacher and you are not in this alone!

Homeschooling Websites

Explore the Educator and Parent Support page for resources available with your library card. These resources include videos, homework help databases, educator materials and more. 

The Colorado Department of Education, opens a new window has a whole page dedicated to Colorado-specific homeschooling resources, laws and FAQs. 

Rocky Mountain PBS, opens a new window has created an At Home Learning page with many resources. They also provide literacy lessons on Colorado PBS stations and online for kids in grades K-3.

Colorín Colorado, opens a new window is a bilingual site for educators and families with a multitude of resources. 

Khan Academy, opens a new window is an educational site that is organized by topic. The site includes math (K-12), science, technology, economics, art, history and test prep. Each topic includes lectures delivered via YouTube videos.

Scholastic Learn at Home , opens a new windowhas engaging, ready to go lesson plans and activities for kids ages 4-10. This resource does cost $5.99 a month. 

WeAreTeachers, opens a new window has lots of great posts with ideas of things to do with your kids, as well as free printables. 

WiFi and Computer Resources

Do you need Wifi or computer help?There are many free or low cost technology and Wifi resources around the Denver area. 

Arapahoe Libraries can help you troubleshoot technology issues and answer tech questions. Visit the Technology Help page to contact us. You can also use Library by Appointment for access to library computers or to come in and print/fax/scan.